Programme Facilitators

The programmes conducted by GRGCAS are anchored and facilitated by exceptionally qualified and experienced professionals from the academia and the industry. They set and maintain high standards of programme delivery and continuously raise the bar of learning outcomes for the participants.

A select list of programme facilitators:

  • Dr Anitha, J - Consultant and Trainer, Coimbatore
  • Prof Balasubramanian, S - Advisor, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore
  • Prof Chandrasekaran, R - Coimbatore
  • Ms Hemamalini, S - Management Consultant and Trainer, Coimbatore
  • Mr Karthikeyan, G - Chartered Accountant and Financial Consultant, Coimbatore
  • Mr Lakshmi Narayan, NJ - Founder Director, BuildHr Consulting, Chennai
  • Mr Ramanathan Somasundaram - Founder, vSocialize, Chennai
  • Mr Rangarajan, H - Consultant and Trainer, Coimbatore
  • Dr Sabarirajan, GB - Faculty, GRG School of Management Studies, Coimbatore
  • Dr Sadhasivam, P - Director, GRG Center for Advanced Studies, Coimbatore
  • Mr Shrihari M Udupa - former Human Capital Leader at PwC and President - HR at Adani Group, Bengaluru
  • Mr Shyam Velumani - Co-Founder, VenPep Solutions, Coimbatore
  • Mr Singh, GKK - Founder Director, Asian Institute of Quality Management, Pune
  • Dr Vandana Madhavkumar - Dean, Industry Relations, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore