Thoughts for the Future
We are all actively and deeply engaged in effecting continuous improvement in the work we do. We want our organisations to become better, more recognised, better perceived, higher ranked, quality-certified etc. In this process of wanting to do better in what we are currently doing, we seem often to neglect what we should be doing for the future. We seem reluctant to question the status quo and challenge the current assumptions – in some ways basking in our own lagoons of personal comfort zones.
There are disruptive changes happening at a furious pace all around us. One example, is the concept of ‘work’ itself. What will ‘work’ be defined as in the next 2-3 years or 10 years? The Swiggies of the world are redefining a home maker’s work domain. The Air BnBs and Ubers of the world are redefining ‘ownership’ of assets. The emerging CEOs of 15-20 years of age are redefining ‘leadership’.
‘Maintenance’ and ‘compliance’ mode will not suffice. This understanding requires and demands an entirely different mindset. Can we rise to the occasion?
by Prof Balasubramanian